How To Tell if Your Roof Needs Repair or Replacement


When’s the last time you looked at your roof? Do you know what conditions are cause for concern? Here are six warning signs that signal you may need roof replacement or repair.  


Odd-Looking Shingles

Are some of your shingles missing? Are they cracked or curled? As much as you wish your shingles would last forever, they do have a shelf life. Granules, which provide color and UV ray protection, fall off, resulting in disfigured shingles. Exposure to the weather and basic wear and tear typically limit their use to 25 years, at the most.


Dark and Dirty Spots

If areas on your roof look like they are stained or dirty, your roof may have fallen victim to mold or algae growth. This is an issue because the fungi or algae will, ultimately, decay your shingle base, causing your shingles to become loose. This is more pertinent in hot and humid climates.  


Degenerate Sheathing

Mold and algae are another common culprit when it comes to sheathing deterioration. When sheathing is eaten away, your roof becomes more susceptible to severe weather damage.


Interior Water Marks

Water marks on your ceiling may mean that your roof is leaking. Though it’s difficult to determine the source of the leak, it’s usually caused by faulty underlayment of your roof. This is an immediate sign for roof replacement, as water leaks can cause mold, cracks and drywall degeneration.


Exterior Paint Problems

If your exterior paint is peeling or blistering, this may mean that your attic is not properly ventilated. When hot air is trapped in your attic, it causes paint to peel or blister because it can’t escape. Roofing specialists can install bathroom exhausts and attic fans to remedy the issue.


Rising Utility Costs

Lastly, if you’ve noticed that your utility bills are rising – especially during seasons that require you to cool or heat your home – this could mean that you have a poorly ventilated roof.  


Be proactive when it comes to potential roof replacement. If you see any of the above signs, call a roofing professional immediately, and make sure you schedule regular inspections at least once a year.