The Importance of Flat Roof Maintenance


The difference between a peaked or flat roofing system is significantly more important than simple appearance. Flat roofs offer an inexpensive and element-resistant roofing option for homeowners, but this roofing brings a series of challenges unique to its properties and design. When compared to its peaked counterpart, it is vital to adhere to a maintenance routine in order to preserve the integrity and longevity of your roof.


Flat roofs have little slope, creating a fairly level opportunity for accumulating snow or debris to remain in place. The consistent and prolonged exposure to these influences will create excessive wear and tear on the roof. If damage is left unnoticed or unrepaired, water damage can occur both on the interior or exterior of the home. The integrity of the roof may also be compromised, leading to additional problems with structural damage.


An inspection of your roof should occur regularly, as this is a key element of maintenance. If possible, the safest way to inspect your roof is from an upstairs window. However, you can also use a ladder to climb up and look for potential trouble spots. For complete and accurate roof assessments, it is best to contact a professional. They will inspect areas on the building or roof that are consistently wet, have discoloration, and are peeling or missing altogether.


Preventative maintenance tasks for a flat roof include checking the scuppers around the roof and cleaning out the debris. They will check that seams and laps are sealed tight. They will inspect downspouts for debris, but will also confirm attachment screws haven’t rotted and caused the piping to pull away from the home. They will also examine the flashing, seams, caps, and panels for alignment or missing screws.  


With the help of the professionals at Roofing Services of New England, you can extend the life of your roof and protect your home. With their commitment to providing quality flat roof maintenance and repairs, you can proactively address costly issues and ward off long-term damage.