3 Energy-Efficient Options for Flat Roofs


Selecting a roofing material for commercial or residential properties with a flat roof is challenging. You need to find materials that are flexible, durable, and watertight. While many options exist, not all are energy efficient or affordable. For those businesses or homeowners looking for an efficient and cost-effective option, consider one of the following three roofing options.

1. Thermoplastic Polyolefin

Thermoplastic polyolefin, or TPO, is a durable and flexible rubber sheath that is applied over an existing structure. The seams are welded together creating the appearance of one solid sheet. While not actually one solid layer, the method used for sealing the material does create an impenetrable bond or a watertight surface held in place with a counterweight.

2. Spray Polyurethane Foam

Spray polyurethane foam, or SPF, roofing relies on a chemical combination and response. The two combining layers at the sprayer create a foam material that expands in size, nearly 20 to 30 times. Using this material over an existing structure creates an unbroken, no seam seal, meaning that the roof surface becomes waterproof and heat resistant. While this energy-efficient roofing material is an excellent product, installers still recommend removing old roofing materials before application.

3. Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

Ethylene propylene diene monomer, or EPDM, is the cost-efficient roofing choice for a level or flat roof. Its easy application and rubber material make it less expensive than other options on this list. The material can be robotically secured or laid loosely and weighed down with rocks. It is a versatile and customizable roofing option.

While a flat roof is not the easiest structure to maintain and secure, there are several options available to both homeowners and business owners. The three options listed above resemble a small portion of the energy-efficient roofing options currently available and offered by roofing companies. If you need help identifying which roofing solution is right for you, consider reaching out to a professional.